Please access this link for the Hunt Elementary Family Newsletter, Week of March 10-14, 2025:
Congratulations to Max Leslie-Mees, 4th Grade Student at Hunt Elementary! Max competed in the Regional Spelling Bee in Victoria, TX on March 1, 2025. Max finished in the top 5 of the whole region!!! We are super PROUD of you, Max!
It's Read Across America Week and it's Cuero Livestock Show Week! Please access this link for the latest Hunt Elementary Family News, Week of March 3-7, 2025:
The Week of March 3-7, 2025 is Read Across America Week!
Hunt Elementary Students and Staff have the OPTION to participate in the Dress Days as listed
Thank you for celebrating the love of reading! -
Hunt Elementary Families,
Cuero ISD will dismiss students from school at 12:30 p.m. on Friday, February 28, 2025. Buses will run normal routes at this time.
The UIL Academic Meet scheduled for Feb. 28 is rescheduled for Tuesday, May 6, 2025.
Best of Luck to our History Making Lady Gobbler Basketball Team! We are so PROUD of you!!! -
Early Out this Tuesday, February 25, 2025: Students dismissed at 12:30 p.m.
Please access this link for the Hunt Elementary Family News, Week of February 24, 2025: -
Hunt Elementary promotes Health & Wellness! This month we are focusing on being Heart Healthy at Hunt! Our Junior Master Gardeners are busy growing heart healthy foods such as Rainbow Carrots.
Did you know??? Rainbow carrots are good for heart health because they contain a variety of antioxidants and other nutrients such as the following:
Anthocyanins--Found in purple carrots, these antioxidants may help reduce inflammation and protect against heart disease.
Lycopene--Found in red carrots, this antioxidant may help prevent heart disease and some cancers.
Stay tuned for more Healthy Hunt Tips! -
Please access this link for the Hunt Elementary Family Newsletter, Week of February 10, 2025:
Hunt Elementary Celebrates Kindness Week, February 10-14, 2025
Participation in the dress days is completely optional. -
Please access this link for the Hunt Elementary Family Newsletter, Week of February 3, 2025:
Hunt Elementary Family Reading Night, Monday, February 3, 2025
Hunt Elementary is hosting a Scholastic Book Fair! Please access this link for details:
Hunt Elementary is hosting a Family Reading Event on Monday, February 3, 2025, from 5:00-6:00 p.m. Come visit us! -
Please access this link for the Hunt Elementary Family Newsletter, Week of January 27, 2025:
Please access this link for the latest news from Hunt Elementary, Week of January 13, 2025:
Happy New Year from Hunt Elementary! Please access this link for the Hunt Elementary Family Newsletter, Week of January 6, 2025:
Hunt Elementary is PROUD of our Super Spellers! We had over 50 participants in this year's Spelling Bee Contest. After 11 rounds of spelling, Hunt Elementary named Caylee Kubesch and Max Leslie-Mees as the Co-Champions!
Pictured are all of our outstanding contestants and then from L to R, Taylor Beebe (alternate), Caylee Kubesch (Co-Champion) and Max Leslie-Mees (Co-Champion).
We wish Caylee and Max the best of luck as they prepare to compete in the DeWitt County Spelling Bee in the near future! -
Students at Hunt Elementary were cheerfully greeted this morning by our very own Elf Atzenhoffer! We wish you all a spirited week!
Please access this link for the Hunt Elementary Family Newsletter, Week of December 16, 2024:
We wish you all a joyful Christmas season! -
Hunt Elementary will present a short session of parenting information on "Tips to Help Your Child Be More Successful in School" this Wednesday morning, 12-11-24, from 8:15-8:45 a.m. in the conference room.
All students whose parents attend the meeting receive a free dress pass. Parents get a chance to win a door prize and be served doughnuts and hot chocolate. We are excited to learn from and share information with parents who obviously want the best for their students. We look forward to seeing our parents this Wednesday! -
Please access this link for the Hunt Elementary Family Newsletter, Week of December 9, 2024:
Hunt Elementary Students and Staff have the option to participate in December Dress Days starting Monday, December 9, 2024.
We hope you all had a terrific Thanksgiving Week! We look forward to welcoming back our Young Gobblers as we finish our sensational semester!
Please access the Hunt Elementary Family Newsletter, Week of December 2, 2024, by accessing this link: -
Hunt Elementary PTO is hosting a Silent Auction in conjunction with our Thanksgiving Luncheon this Wednesday, November 20, 2024. See attached flyer for more details!
Please access this link for the Hunt Elementary Family Newsletter, Week of November 18, 2024:
We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving season!
Early Dismissal at 12:30 p.m. on November 22, 2024. -
Access this link to read the Hunt Elementary Family Newsletter, Week of November 11, 2024:
*Please note that students will dismiss from school at 12:30 p.m. this Friday, November 15, 2024.